The international workshop MURPHYS 2024 will take place at the University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy.
Lecture hall is the "Sala degli Affreschi" located at Palazzo San Domenico.

The church and convent were founded in 1233 in honor of the Virgin Mary and Saint Dominic (among the other saints) by Roffredo Epifanio, a renowned jurist of Benevento from the Lombard princely lineage. Near this church, over 600 Beneventans were buried in a well after dying in a single day during the Guelph and Ghibelline conflicts. The church was completely rebuilt after the June 5, 1688 earthquake. Cardinal Archbishop Vincenzo Maria Orsini (future Pope Benedict XIII) laid the first stone on March 15, 1692, and solemnly consecrated it on April 15, 1708. It suffered significant damage during the 1943 wartime events and was renovated. Further damage occurred in the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, affecting some paintings and statues, which have been restored. The former convent is now called "Palazzo San Domenico" and hosts the Rectorate of the University of Sannio. 

An interior view of  Sala degli Affreschi  -  Palazzo San Domenico  (lecture hall)

The University of Sannio (Università degli Studi del Sannio, UNISANNIO) is located in Benevento, southern Italy. It has been founded in 1998 (being previously a part of the University of Salerno), and it is organized in 3 departments with about 4,000 students and offers courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level in the fields of Law, Statistics, the Environment, Geology, Biology, Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Energy Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Economics and Business Organization. Unisannio is highly integrated in the city, with locations distributed in different areas of the city, and some of them are historic buildings.
The Department of Engineering was selected by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) among the 180 Departments of Excellence for the five-year period 2023-27.