The  city  of  Benevento

Benevento is a charming town located in the Apennine hinterland of Campania, in the southern part of the Sannio and it has about 60,000 inhabitants. The city, located in a valley, is crossed by the Calore and Sabato rivers; to the west of the city there are the peaks of the Taburno-Camposauro massif, the Dormiente del Sannio, to the east, the slopes of the Dauni mountains, to the north-west, Monte Mutria and Matese, and to the south the Partenio. The city was first called Maleventum, then Beneventum and finally Benevento.
Benevento was first a Samnite, then Roman, later Lombard and finally pontifical city and therefore boasts a significant historical-artistic heritage and a notable archaeological heritage.

Benevento is an "UNESCO World Heritage Site", because of the Church of Santa Sofia, testimony of Lombard architecture and dated around 760, and of many historical  buildings and monuments.  The most important are: