Registration  and  fees


Please register here: MURPHYS 2024 registration form

If you wish to attend the MURPHYS 2024 conference, please fill the following form at your earliest convenience.

A confirmation email will be sent by the committee once the registration is completed.

N.B.: it is NOT necessary to have a Google account (it only serves to send information entered in the form via email but, again, it is not needed).

Registration Fees:

To encourage a wider participation to the conference, the organizing committee has decided to keep unchanged the registration fee. Therefore, all scholars who will register to the conference will pay:

Early registration (until April 1st, 2024):            260 € (160€ for PhD students)

Late registration (starting April 1st, 2024):       300 € (200€ for PhD students)

Payments methods will be disclosed soon. Registration fee covers:

Please, note that the registration fee cannot be paid in cash during the conference and does not cover accommodation.

The cost of the sole social dinner (per accompanying person) is 60€. The transfer to and from the location hosting the dinner is included.

A special issue on a scopus/webofscience indexed international journal is proposed to participants authors. 

Payment options

Holder: Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi del Sannio

Address: Piazza Roma, 21 - 82100 Benevento

Tax code: VAT 01114010620

Bank account

Banca Popolare Pugliese s.c.p.a.

IBAN: IT32Z0526279748T20990001220


On request, a personal payment code can be generated. If you want to exploit pagoPA platform, please send an email to